
Program Name:
Bachelor in Computer and Information Sciences
Umar Faiz
Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences
Office: B-206
email: umarfaiz (at) pieas edu pk
Course Code/Credit hrs:
(CIS 306) Information Systems Analysis and Design (3 Credit hrs)
1 Contact Hour is equivalent to 60 minutes.
Class Coordinates:
Room No# B-106
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Learning outcomes:
On the completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Understand the concepts of information systems
- Apply a number of proof techniques to theorems in language design
- Use System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in real-world cases
- Analyze the current information system in the organization
- Design and implement proper information systems in the organization
- Use Data Flow Diagram, Data Dictionary and other analysis and design tools in proper manner
On the completion of this course, the student should be able to develop the following practical skills:
- To apply some of the analysis and design techniques in a systems development situation
- To communicate requirements for business functionality of an information system in terms of data required, data storage and processing
- To participate effectively in an information systems development project conducted within the context of the classroom situation
Course Description:
The aim of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to learn the basic knowledge (knowing) and skills (doing) to specify and to develop computer information systems. The course will focus on the front-end of the system development life cycle (SDLC), by examining in some details the techniques, methods, tools, procedures, and methodologies employed by systems analysts in the analysis, design and implementation of organizational information systems. This course introduces established and evolving methodologies for the analysis, design, and development of an information system. Emphasis is placed on system characteristics, managing projects, prototyping, CASE/OOM tools, and systems development life cycle phases. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze a problem and design an appropriate solution using a combination of tools and techniques.
Course Objectives:
The students are expected to be able to:
- TDevelop the needed communication and analytical skills to solicit, identify, analyze and refine loosely structured user requirements to produce a meaningful system design specification. Describe the key concepts, major objectives, task set, and tools used in each phase of the SDLC.
- Distinguish between the different software process models (waterfall, iterative, prototyping, spiral), and describe their characteristics.
- Describe the major systems development methodologies (SADT, RAD, JAD, participatory, OOAD etc.) of systems development and the criteria for their selection.
- Communicate with potential systems users effectively and professionally, to elicit, clarify, define and refine user requirements.
- Conduct an analysis of the information requirements of an organization to model its information processing needs.
- Produce appropriate system specifications and documentation at each phase of the system development life cycle. This will include but not limited to input and output screens, forms, queries, reports and user dialogues.
- Demonstrate the ability to use the different systems analysis & design diagramming techniques including: data flow diagrams (DFD), entity relationship diagrams (ERD), structure charts, pseudo-code, decision tress and tables, use-case diagrams, class diagrams etc.
- Demonstrate the ability to use project management tools, such as PERT, CPM, and Gantt chart to manage a project.
- Produce a project plan that is both feasible and conformance to systems requirements, including the conduct of a formal feasibility or break-even analysis.
- Conduct a real-life systems project in a team environment.
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in both written and oral forms during systems development progress report sessions.
Textbooks/ Course URL
Course Text:
- Hoffer, J.A., George, J.R. and Valacich, J.S. 2005, Modern Systems Analysis & Design, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall; Upper Saddle river, NJ.
Recommended Books:
- Kendall, K.E. & Kendall, J.E. 2002, Systems Analysis and Design, 5th Ed., Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ.
- Whitten, J.L., Bentley, L.D., & Dittman, K.C. 2004, Systems Analysis and Design Methods, 6th Ed., McGraw-Hill Irwin: New York, NY.
- Satzinger, J.W., Jackson, R.B., & Burd, S.D. 2002, Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 2nd Ed., Course Technology: Cambridge, MA.
- Shelly, G.B., Cashman, T.J., & Rosenblatt, H.J. 2001, Systems Analysis and Design, 4th Ed., Course Technology: Cambridge, MA.
Course URL:
Assignments represent your opportunity to learn the material and you are not responsible for mastery of the material until the midterm and final exams. Thus, assignment solutions themselves are not graded. Hands-on practice is necessary to achieve the required level of understanding and technical ability. Exercises are assigned that help achieve these objectives. It is strongly advised to attempt all assigned exercises to familiarize yourselves with the concepts and techniques.
Semester Project:
This semester project is the group work only. So, the individual work is not allowed. Form the team of three (3) members to design the new computerized information system to replace the existing one. All team members will receive the same mark for that project, but there will be opportunity for team members to submit a confidential report to the instructor if they feel that another member(s) is not putting in the appropriate amount of effort. The instructor reserves the right to scale the marks for individual student if deemed necessary, naturally after verifying the alleged situation.
Start by preparing the proposal of your project to identify the reason and need of designing the new system.
Content in the proposal:
Your proposal must contain following topics:
- Introduction of project
- General Information
- Overview of problems in current system
- Objectives
- Expected result
- Project scope
- Current system analysis
- New system development plan
Lectures, Tutorials & Attendance Policy:
Teaching Method(s):Lectures, Tutorials
Teaching Media: Slides, handouts
There will be 48 sessions of 60 minutes each. 80% attendance is mandatory
Grading/Grading Policy:
Quizzes/Assignments [10%]Sessional I/Sessional II [25%]
Semester Project [15%]
Final Exam [50%]
(Grades will be given as per PIEAS’ Policy (see prospectus for further details)
There will be absolutely no makeup quizzes. Makeup midterm will only be allowed in case of extreme emergency. Contact the instructor as soon as the emergency permits to discuss possible course of action depending on the extremity of the emergency. For credit all assignments must be turned in time. Late assignments will not earn any credit but to get a passing grade all assignments must be eventually turned in.
Rules and Regulations:
In addendum to Institute’s policy following rules will be strictly adhered to:
Attendance: Students are expected to attend course sessions. In case of any absence, students are responsible to make up for the course covered in the missed session. Attendance profile is consistently compiled and updated at the department and it is mandatory to meet the minimum requirements of 80% to qualify for appearance in the final examination.
Class Behaviour: Cell phones must be turned off when the student enters the classroom. Disruption of class by a cell phone may lead to expulsion from the class.
Academic Honesty: Academic integrity is the foundation of the academic community. Each student has the primary responsibility for being academically honest, students are advised to read and understand all sections of this policy relating to standards of conduct and academic life.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism involves the use of quotations without quotation marks, the use of quotations without indication of the source, the use of another's idea without acknowledging the source, the submission of a paper, laboratory report, project, or class assignment (any portion of such) prepared by another person, or incorrect paraphrasing.
Weekly Course Plan:
Week# | Lecture# | Lecture Title | Assessment |
Week1 | Lecture 1 | Introduction The Systems Development Environment |
Lecture 2 | The Systems Development Environment | ||
Lecture 3 | The Systems Development Environment | ||
Week2 | Lecture 4 | Succeeding as a Systems Analyst | |
Lecture 5 | Succeeding as a Systems Analyst (cont'd) | ||
Lecture 6 | Succeeding as a Systems Analyst (cont'd) | ||
Week3 | Lecture 7 | Managing the Information Systems Project | |
Lecture 8 | Managing the Information Systems Project (cont'd) | ||
Lecture 9 | Managing the Information Systems Project (cont'd) | ||
Week4 | Lecture 10 | Automated Tools for Systems Development | |
Lecture 11 | Automated Tools for Systems Development (cont'd) | ||
Lecture 12 | |||
Week5 | Lecture 13 | ||
Lecture 14 | |||
Lecture 15 | |||
Week6 | Lecture 16 | ||
Lecture 17 | |||
Lecture 18 | |||
Week7 | Lecture 19 | ||
Lecture 20 | |||
Lecture 21 | |||
  |   | Sessional I |   |
Week8 | Lecture 22 | ||
Lecture 23 | |||
Lecture 24 | |||
Week9 | Lecture 25 | ||
Lecture 26 | |||
Lecture 27 | |||
Week10 | Lecture 28 | ||
Lecture 29 | |||
Lecture 30 | |||
Week11 | Lecture 31 | ||
Lecture 32 | |||
Lecture 33 | |||
Week12 | Lecture 34 | ||
Lecture 35 | |||
Lecture 36 | |||
Week13 | Lecture 37 | ||
Lecture 38 | |||
Lecture 39 | |||
  |   | Sessional II |   |
Week 14 | Lecture 40 | ||
Lecture 41 | |||
Lecture 42 | |||
Week 15 | Lecture 43 | ||
Lecture 44 | |||
Lecture 45 | |||
Week16 | Lecture 46 | ||
Lecture 47 | |||
/td> | Review | ||
  |   | Final/Terminal |   |