PhD in Computer Science
Admission Process
Admission Criteria
For eligibility in PhD program at PIEAS, a candidate shall be required to have MS / MPhil (minimum 18 years of education) in the relevant subject with minimum CGPA 3.0 out of 4.0 for semester system or minimum 65% marks for the annual system. For lower degrees/certificates, the academic career required is 60% marks for annual systems or minimum CGPA 2.5 at the scale of 4.0 for semester systems. However, in BSc (two years),HSSC and SSC (or equivalent) one degree / certificate with minimum 50% marks may be allowed.
The eligible candidate must qualify HEC criterion for admission to a PhD program.
- For the admission, the candidate must pass PIEAS written test / GRE (Subject) / GAT (Subject) or any other examination approved by PIEAS CGSR.
- Affiliated institutes may conduct their own written tests. The outline of the tests shall be got
approved from CGSR.
Admission Procedure
A candidate desirous of seeking admission to PhD program shall apply on the prescribed
form to the Registrar. All applications shall be forwarded to the concerned departments by the Registrar.
The department will scrutinize the applicant for the eligibility.
To interview the candidates, the HoD will propose a committee to the Dean Research for
approval. The eligible candidates shall be evaluated by the committee based on an interview
of the candidate. However, the committee may also make written test / presentation a part of
the evaluation. The committee shall forward its recommendation to the HoD.
After acceptance from a supervisor, the HoD will send the recommendation to the Dean
Research for the approval. Dean (Research) will approve the admission of the suitable candidates.
- The Registrar will give an offer of admission valid for ninety days.
- An extension in the admission validity may be approved to a realistic time by Dean (Research) on the request of
the applicant duly recommended by the supervisor / HoD. Dean (Research) will communicate the approval to
Registrar for notification.
- To join PhD studies at PIEAS, the procedure will be:
- The student will report to the concerned HoD for initiation of the joining process, who will forward the
joining request to the Registrar.
- The Registrar office will notify the joining after all the required documents have been submitted by the
student to the office.
- The date of joining shall be the date when all the necessary documents have been received by the Registrar
- A copy of the notification will be sent to all concerned including supervisor, Controller of Examinations,
Head of Department, funding agency, security, accounts etc., and will send the record to Dean (Research) for
future communications.
- Affiliated institutes shall make their own arrangements for the admission in line with the PIEAS procedures. The
institutes shall include in their admission test / interviewing committees one representative from PIEAS to be
nominated by the Dean Research. The affiliated institutes shall forward the joining reports of the students to
Registrar PIEAS for further processing.