Educational and Professional Portfolio
Awais Zahur
Assistant Professor and Researcher with 7 years of teaching experience in PIEAS with relevant projects in Core Neutronics and Thermal Hydraulics as supervisor and PhD in Reactor Multiphysics framework design and analysis. I want to design real time nuclear safety applications using computational techniques. Nuclear Safety require the solution of neutronics and thermal hydraulics simultaneously to deal the issues of local hotspot, long burnup cycles and efficient fuel utilization.
- (+9251) 959-3600
PhD in Nuclear Engineering
2020 - 2023
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
Development of Reactor Multiphysics framework to analyze the effect of crossflow and dynamic gHTC for Depletion and REA transient
MS in Nuclear Engineering
2012 - 2014
Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nilore, Islamabad
An Implementation of Highly Accurate Scheme for Solution of the Point Reactor Kinetic Equation
BS in Computer & Information Sciences
2008 - 2012
Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nilore, Islamabad
Predicting Protein Subcellular Location of Bacteria using Machine Learning Techniques
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor
2023 - Present
- Development of an Anomaly Detection System for Nuclear Power Plants using the Transformer Model
- Deep Learning-Based Simulation of Nuclear Reactor Transients for Desired Power Control
- Enhancing Safety and Lifespan of small modular Pressurized Water Reactor Advanced Design and Verification
- Neutronics Analysis of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor
2014 - 2020
- Shield design of the KANUPP reactor using MCBEND computer code.
- Development of a Scheme for Coupled Thermal-Hydraulics/ Neutronics Analysis of PARR-1.
- Development of a comprehensive post processor for RELAP5.
- Radiation Shield Design of PWR primary loop using MCBEND.
- Simulation of a thermal–hydraulic passive system in post LOCA scenario.
- Solution of Flow Coast down in a Pressurized Water Reactor using Polynomial Fit.
- Solution of Reactor Kinetic equations using SCM Algorithm.